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Care of deteriorating patients

This booklet is for patients who are receiving care in hospital or a setting where they are being assessed before being admitted to hospital.  This includes general practice (GP), care homes and ambulance services.  Partners, friends, family and carers may also find it helpful. 

It can be used by healthcare professionals when talking to patients, carers and families. 

This booklet explains the recommendations in a guideline produced by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), about monitoring and caring for patients over 16 whose health deteriorates (gets worse) in the following settings: 

  • Community care (such as rehabilitation facilities).
  • Primary care (under a GP’s care).
  • Hospital and ambulance services.

It does not cover patients who are pregnant or who are receiving palliative care at the end of their life.

It tells you:

  • what care should be provided
  • when this care should be provided
  • why this care is important.

It tells you some key messages from the guideline but in less detail.


If you would like to order copies of the booklet, please email

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SIGN , November 2023