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Mood disorders during pregnancy and after the birth of your baby

This booklet is for you if:

  • you are pregnant
  • you are planning a pregnancy
  • you have had a baby in the last year
  • you are concerned about mood disorders.

Partners, family, friends and carers may also find it useful.

The booklet explains:

  • who is at risk of developing mood disorders during pregnancy and after the birth
  • how mood disorders are diagnosed
  • what treatment choices may be available
  • the safety of taking medication for an existing mood disorder during pregnancy
  • what you can expect from treatment.

This booklet explains the recommendations in a clinical guideline, produced by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), about the management of perinatal mood disorders.

The clinical guidance is based on what we know from current medical research. It also gives advice on the opinion of healthcare professionals who are trained on how best to manage your care.

If you would like to order copies of the booklet, please email

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PAT 127, April 2012