Epilepsy in children
These booklets explain the recommendations in the clinical guideline
The guideline is about diagnosing and managing epilepsies in children and young people.
Young people
This booklet is for young people who:
- have been diagnosed with epilepsy, or
- may be going through assessment
Parents, carers and families
This booklet is for parents, carers and families of children and young people up to the age of 18 who:
- have been diagnosed with epilepsy, or
- may be going through assessment.
These booklets explain the recommendations in a guideline, produced by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), about investigating and managing epilepsy in children and young people.
These booklets explain:
- what epilepsy is
- what tests may be offered
- information on risks and safety issues in epilepsy
- what treatments may be offered
- what happens when children move from child services to adult services
- where you can get more information.
The guideline is based on what we know from current medical research. It also gives advice based on the opinion of healthcare professionals who are trained on how best to manage your care.
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Young People's Experiences
Hear from our Young Person Representatives about their experiences of epilepsy services, and about how this guideline can help make improvements: