Eating disorders
This booklet and playbook explain the recommendations in the clinical guideline.
The guideline is about managing eating disorders in people of all ages.
This booklet is for people who:
- have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, or
- may be going through assessment
Family members, friends and carers may also find the booklet helpful.
Young people might find it helpful for an adult to read this booklet alongside them.
The booklet and animations explain:
- What an eating disorder is
- Stages of recovery
- What treatments are available
- Transition between services
- The support available for families
and carers.
The Vimeo/YouTube videos and animations are for young people who are:
- living with anorexia nervosa
- living with bulimia nervosa
- living with binge eating disorder
- moving between services (transition).
The guideline is based on what we know from current research. It also gives advice based on the opinion of healthcare professionals who are trained on how best to manage your care. If you would like to order copies of the booklet, please email
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- Plain language version (PDF)
- Easy read plain language version (PDF)
- Eating disorders information booklet, Claire & Cara's story (Vimeo)
- What treatments does SIGN recommend for young people living with bulimia nervosa? (Vimeo)
- What treatments does SIGN recommend for young people living with anorexia nervosa? (Vimeo)
- What treatments does SIGN recommend for young people living with binge eating disorder? (Vimeo)
- What happens if you have to move between services (transition) during treatment? (Vimeo)