Management of hepatitis C
Approximately 0.8% of the Scottish population is thought to be chronically infected with hepatitis C virus. Disease progression is slow with 5–15% of patients progressing to liver cirrhosis over 20 years.
Remit and target users
This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations covering screening, testing, diagnosis, referral, treatment, care and follow up of infants, children and adults with, or exposed to, HCV infection. The remit encompasses prevention of secondary transmission of the virus but specifically excludes primary prevention of HCV infection.
This guideline will be of interest to all healthcare professionals in primary and secondary care involved in the management of people with hepatitis C infection. Patients, their family and friends may find the section on information for patients and carers particularly useful.
How this guideline was developed
This guideline was developed using a standard methodology based on a systematic review of the evidence. Further details can be found in SIGN 50: A Guideline Developer’s Handbook.
Keeping up to date
This guideline was issued in 2013 and will be considered for review in three years. The review history, and any updates to the guideline in the interim period, will be noted in the review report.
Some recommendations may be out of date, declaration of interests governance may not be in line with current policy.
ISBN 978 1 909103 13 9