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Comment on a draft guideline

SIGN guideline on the Management of chronic pain

SIGN is developing a guideline on the Management of chronic pain.

In order to ensure that the recommendations are available as soon as possible, this SIGN guideline has been developed sequentially, with each component containing review of several research questions. The order in which this is being done does not reflect the relative important of the questions, nor strength of available evidence. This document contains information on:

  • opioids
  • naloxone
  • medicinal cannabis
  • antidepressants
  • pain management programmes
  • psychological interventions
  • self-help interventions, and
  • occupation-based interventions.

The draft guideline is available here

Please use the feedback form to send in your feedback.

Please note that you are able save your responses so you can return to it later, if necessary.  The feedback form will be available until Monday 17 March 2025.

We will gather the feedback in a report which will include responses to each comment. We will publish the report on the SIGN website alongside the guideline.